Wednesday, August 29, 2012

In a well-written paragraph and in your own words, define "happiness".


Anonymous Katrina Moore said...

All emotions share one common trait: the personal perspective and interpretation required to define them. Every definition is different because every individual's experience varies. A chemical reaction, looking into a child's eyes, consistency in life, or simply surviving could all serve as definitions of- in this case- happiness. Only a fool would attempt to represent the opinions of a whole on a subject as complex as happiness, unless of course it is solely concerning their own feelings.

8/30/2012 06:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Baily Hale

I find myself in the bathroom, reflecting on the day. The bus, what with its hot metal walls and crowded atmosphere, bothered me to no end. Several people were missing and, even then, a few seats were crowded with three. Needless to say, I was irate. And, when an irate boy comes into contact with his tired mother, the consequences are none too pleasant. However, as I now leave my chamber of solitude, I find only silence. I sit before the computer, resigned to another painful evening of work, when she approaches me.

And hugs me.

To me, this is a form of happiness.

8/30/2012 03:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Ian Garrison said...

Wandering through the streets one night, I came across an obviously ignorant buffoon who was attempting to take up the entire street with his “swaggish” gait. I attempted to sidestep him as he plowed his way through the street, but with his mental incapacity he managed to step off the sidewalk and ram his shoulder into mine. Now, most nights, this would bother me significantly, but as I staggered sideways I noticed that he had managed to step into the path of an oncoming bus. That is happiness.

8/30/2012 04:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alex Upshaw said...

Happiness is the emotional condition in which one is generally pleased with their current state of being. It is also an inherently positive emotion, beyond a state of simply being content because one’s state is not overwhelmingly negative. Whether individuals are happy is a function of their own mental and emotional nature and how it is affected by their external state; it is what individuals make of it. It can be the status of having no overbearing regrets about one’s previous actions and choices. Alternatively, it can be the status of having no substantial unfulfilled desires.

8/30/2012 04:17:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Happiness is a difficult emotion to describe, not because anyone is uncertain of when he or she experiences it, but because it manifests itself in an infinite variation of mediums. Happiness arrives while playing with friends, sleeping in, and after succeeding in an attempt, but all of those things have one aspect in common: the knowledge of making the correct choice. Life, as I see it, is a series of choices, and nobody can be happy while having the knowledge that they are making the wrong decision.It is easy to be happy while indulging in oversleeping on a weekend, however, there is not one person who can honestly state that he is happy while oversleeping when he should be accomplishing a job, or an assignment, because he knows it is the wrong choice. Not necessarily "wrong" in a moral sense, but wrong in a sense of improvement, be it improving one's self, surroundings, or the lives of his neighbors.

8/30/2012 04:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Abby Cartwright said...

Happiness is, on the surface, a seemingly simple emotion. One may define it as a sense of amusement or fun. This form of happiness may result from a joke told, or the arrival of good news. However, this sensation may last for only a matter of seconds before the realization of worries, adversity, and strife of the present and past once again grips your mind, sinking your spirit. Yet if one were to define happiness as a sense of accomplishment, security, and hope, then it can last for years. Not everything may be perfect today, but with an attitude of closure regarding past misfortunes, enjoyment of the present, and anticipation of prosperity in the future, one will always be able to find within his or herself some form of consolation.

8/30/2012 04:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Surayyah Fahmi said...

Surayyah Fahmi

Happiness is indescribable. It's not tangible, yet when you have it you know it's presence. Happiness is the way you feel, the way you carry yourself, the way you talk to people. It moves in and out of your life like a serpent through grass, different to everyone, yet the end experience is the same. Happiness is indescribable.

8/30/2012 04:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Marcus Whitten said...

Happiness is an emotion resulting from contentment in life. Happiness occurs when a person experiences situations in which they become satisfied, and therefore become cheerful. A person who is happy typically smiles, laughs, and has a positive attitude. Happiness is a human necessity because it helps a person function in daily life, and helps counteract sadness and stress. A positive attitude is generally found in a person who is happy. There are an infinite number of ways for a person to become happy. People and animals, such as friends and dogs or cats, can contribute to a person’s happiness.

8/30/2012 04:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Konrad Witkowski said...

Happiness, like any other emotion, is an "eye of the beholder" type of experience. It can range from a simple personal accomplishment to the schadenfreude of a foe's mishaps. It is a feeling that can come on its own, or one that has to be worked at to acquire. What can make a person happy is based on the attitude of how they react to particular situations. If a person has a positive outlook on his or her experiences, then they will notice the better outcome of it, and gain happiness from it. If the person has a negative opinion or has a mindset of seeing the negative aspects of something, then positive emotions such as happiness will seldom be in their reach.

8/30/2012 05:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Sarah Dowd said...

Everyone has a different, personal definition to the term happiness. It can be found in the simple enjoyments life offers. Finding true happiness, though it sounds trivial, is important. The sensation can be found everywhere, in the most unlikely of places. The sense of happiness isn't easily diminished by outside circumstances, but rather has the capacity to improve a dismal situation. Happiness is found in the simple things that can make a smile form.

8/30/2012 05:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Oscar Hernandez said...

Spending countless hours with no source of food knowing that if you do not eat soon that your stomach will implode. The hours drag on and on until you can no longer control the thundering of your stomach. Head home and realize you are out of cereal. Search for a few more minutes and find a tub of spaghetti. Eat the tub of spaghetti alone and relieve hunger. That is happiness, also it is said that happiness is contagious.

8/30/2012 05:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Traian Pop said...

My opinion of happiness is that what you feel when someone is absent of worry. I believe that happiness is not just smiling and feeling great about life, but it is when you start being thankful for being alive, for being in the moment, and not wishing you were in another place or time. In my opinion, happiness is not in the human nature. Throughout history, billions of lives have lived and died without being happy, but just trying to get through to the next day or trying to satisfy their endless greed. Humans have always been on the pursuit of happiness, but most just believe it is buying a new car or getting a new girlfriend. They believe to be happy, so in their mind, they are. And maybe that is all that counts. But happiness is not something you lose, and physical objects always break. Happiness stays with you throughout your life, because once someone does achieve it, they would never let it go. Why would anyone go back from that?

8/30/2012 05:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Suhas V.V. Tatapudi said...

To elucidate the term "happiness" in a paragraph may seem like an endeavor in philosophical futility, but the effort could bring a person some personal contentment, which consequently, could generate a sense of "happiness". That's how we humans get at the complex emotional entity known as true "happiness". A number of small positive events or achievements accumulate to provide a sense of self-satisfaction and gratification, which we then expound as personal "happiness". For most of us, this is a state of mind rather than a specific emotion or reaction to positive external forces.

8/30/2012 05:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Archibald Fraser

There are countless self-help books on the market right now. Each one of them has a “revolutionary” method to make you the new “you”. The reason there are so many of these books is that every single person looks at happiness and life in a different way. We all take satisfaction and contentment from different things be it Facebook, sleeping in, going to a movie, or paddling a lake. Defining happiness is an impossible task until you bring to mind a funny moment from 3rd period, your younger cousin's smile as she opens up her Christmas presents, or a gorgeous sunset setting over a lake. These examples epitomize happiness and the pursuit of it.

8/30/2012 05:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Cecilia Esquivel said...

Happiness is an emotion that is ignited when something fulfilling and joyous occurs to oneself. Where one finds happiness differs from individual to individual yet comes with a positive feeling that lasts for a period of time. Like all other emotions, happiness can occur time and time again as long as a memory of being happy remains. Happiness can come at moments when least expected or can be acquired. The difference between happiness and other emotions is that attached to it comes approval of everything occurring in that point in time.

8/30/2012 05:57:00 PM  
Blogger Khyree Henderson said...

Khyree Henderson

The term "happiness" applies differently to everyone. Whether we realize it or not, we have all set standards as to what makes us happy, and, like fingerprints, no two are exactly the same. Some, like myself, can find happiness in simply having what we feel to be a 'good day'. However mundane it may seem to others, that is who we are. In a way, it just depends on what we wish to gain from life.

8/30/2012 06:04:00 PM  
Blogger Anonymous said...

Mindy Wesberry

Happiness seems to be a simple emotion, usually accompanied with smiling and giggling. However, the things that result with happiness differ from person to person. Happiness to me is the feeling when you get butterflies in your stomach and can not resist smiling. Happiness occurs to me when I am surrounded with the people I love, or when i know that they are making something out of their life. Happiness varies from person to pers'on, the definition of happiness can be different deoending on who you ask.

8/30/2012 06:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Blake Russell said...

Happiness is a person's driving force to do good for others and the world. People without happiness may show no drive to do good in life, or may seek to rob others of happiness in spite. Happiness is the soul's ability to appreciate its own existence and the existences of others. Happiness is a soul-deep motive without which life cannot last.

8/30/2012 06:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Jennifer Mayén said...

Everyone has their own definition of happiness. It comes in various ways to different type of people. Happiness may come to someone when they're with their family, significant other, friends, alone, or when they accomplish something. The reasons vary, from eating so much until you feel like your stomach with explode to being peacefully reading a book in your room. To me, happiness comes when I'm with the people I love and being able to make them smile. We are all unique and each have our own personal view on happiness.

8/30/2012 06:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Joey Wikelski said...

I personally believe that everyone is responsible for their own happiness, and thus can make a concious choice to be happy. This belief also makes my definition of happiness different in every situation. If I'm having a good day, my definition of happiness would be the joy I have when things are going my way. However, if I'm having a bad day, my definition of happiness may be the hope I have for a better tomorrow. Though some forms of happiness seem better than others, no matter what I must know that happiness is what you choose it to be.

8/30/2012 06:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Amahni W. said...

Happiness is the feeling that makes you smile, dance, and sing. It's an emotion that gives you freedom and is the result of employing your inner confidence and independence. Overall happiness is the emotion that takes over your body when you come to realize and embrace your individuality, because when you are happy you are free and freedom is liberation. When you are liberated you possess the emotion of happiness and once you have it you will do whatever it takes to feel that way againg because of the inner empowerment you gain through the emotion itself.

8/30/2012 06:47:00 PM  
Anonymous DeBorah Rodgers said...

Happiness is the feeling of joy you get when something good happens. Anyone can achieve happiness, but for some people it's harder. Happiness can come on different levels ranging from mild to extreme. People often strive for happiness and sometimes without noticing that they are. Completing a task or just waking up in the morning can make me happy. Knowing that there is promise for the future brings me the most happiness. To me staying positive is choosing to be happy.

8/30/2012 06:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Daryn Fletcher said...

That which causes someone to be happy is relative to an abundance of factors. Of these factors include an individual's age, life goal(s), perspective on life, location, etc. Whether or not someone allows these factors to affect them depends on the person. To me, happiness is bliss; it is satisfaction with one's current state or condition. The levels at which happiness is achieved is relative to that particular person.

8/30/2012 06:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Colin McCune said...

The fact that happiness has been defined in so many different ways by so many different people means that there is no true definition of the word. Happiness to me is finding that one last red Skittle at the bottom of the bag. Seeing that lone red orb in a sea of disgusting yellow and green Skittles that I have refused to eat makes me smile. When people can find peace and appreciation for the small, yet significant, things in life, that becomes one of the easiest ways to be happy. The little things in life, like finding tasty candy or being with friends, bring me joy and make me happy. Happiness, can only be defined by the one experiencing the emotion.

8/30/2012 06:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Raymond Cipriano said...

Happiness is a concept or emotion that is based one one's own perspective and individual lifestyle. In my opinion, I have learned and ultimately agree with the fact that happiness is the state of positive reaction, content, or pleasure. Happiness is not an emotion to be pursuited or found, but rather activated. Happiness can be split into two separate sub-categories, as I have learned. "Natural happiness" is the process by which a person receives instant pleasure. A person wants something, and they are instinctively happy when they receive that something because their wants were satisfied. On the other hand, there is synthetic happiness. More commonly, "synthetic happiness" is the process by which the brain synthesizes happiness during a long-term time after a certain experience. In another example, you are given a choice between object A and object B which are equal in value. You pick object A and remain satisfied with object A because your brain has synthesized happiness in order for you to keep your life dandy and, blatantly, less depressing.

8/30/2012 06:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's a curious thing; happiness. It brings people close to each other, and provides a shelter from the harsh winds of the cruel world. This is the world in which I, and all I know inhabit, and yet we do not see the desolate landscape for what it is. There is no love for the fellow man, happiness is just a barrier from the truth, the truth being a subtle and at the same time harsh reality. If I stay true to my long-held views on being oneself, regardless of social stereotypes and what society has conditioned people to believe, then what is the point in staying strong. People must conclude that it is better not to cave in to the loneliness, but they must take life to the fullest, do what they can to see the better tomorrow.

8/30/2012 07:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you are bad and you should feel bad

8/30/2012 07:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will Forgerson

Happiness, is like a pomegranate, glossy, narrow oblong leaves, bright red, edible, and some people have them for breakfast. There is no single way to describe happiness, for each person it could be related to some strange object. People must be able to find what makes them happy, and use that. There is a constant struggle for people, to survive in the harsh world of today. Do not sit in life, waiting for the next dull day, make each day the best, when you are old and dying, look back at your life, remember the good times, not the bad times.

8/30/2012 07:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Aaron Gonzalez said...

Happiness is such a simple, but yet complex, emotion. It can range from the feeling you get when finishing all your homework to the emotion expressed when seeing a friend that you have not seen in a long period of time. You will know when you are happy. You will want to repeat the event over and over again. I believe achieving happiness is our true personal goal in life.

8/30/2012 07:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happiness is an emotion that some try to master and tame so that it can be used at any given moment. It’s true you can buy happiness simply by buying your favorite food or video game, but it cannot be summoned. Happiness is a hidden emotion, but you know it is there when a smile appears on your face. One thing I like about this emotion is that it can be totally spontaneous and unexpected, but can turn your day around in a second and make your life worth living. There is no true definition of happiness, but no matter how small or big the matter is, it’s your happiness and no one can take that away from you.

8/30/2012 07:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Marlaina Wright said...

Happiness cannot be defined as one thing because it is felt in so many different ways. An individual defines happiness based on that rare state of mind that sends a burst of joy to life, rather it be for seconds, minutes, days, years. There are some that depend on events or objects to make them happy, while others just have a natural happy feeling to be alive. Happiness can vary in age, experiences, personalities, etc. My happiness, as I know of, has always been about enjoying the little things in life because you never know when they can be taken away. Examples of my happiness consist of receiving an ice cream cone, witnessing every time my adorable baby cousin smiles or laughs, reminiscing old memories, looking at a simple old group picture, knowing that I’m loved by others, and most importantly having the chance to just see the faces of my friends and family. Sure, there are many different opinions from mine, but it would be an unusual world if everyone had the same definition of happiness; it’s not humane. Everyone experiences many emotions, and all emotions have their own different definition by every person; happiness is a self-defining emotion gives a person that wonderful smile.

8/30/2012 07:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Jorge Valdez said...

Technically, and at its basest, happiness is chemical and electrical impulses stimulating certain areas of one's brain. Defined as one wishes, it is interpreted as a pleasurable emotion of joy. It cannot be defined, as it is not possible to agree on an actualization of happiness, as it is an emotion given shape by the mentality of the beholder. This is why it has many titles, forms, and instigators. Happiness is gained by any fulfillment or experience that one comes across, and it cannot be experienced in the same manner or fashion in two people. Happiness is pleasurable emotion, with the ability to make one feel calm and fulfilled.

8/30/2012 07:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To whomever wrote "you are bad and you should feel bad," this blog is no place for "memes." This is academia, not "le l'9gag un reddit tumblr une le la."

8/30/2012 07:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Francisco Ramirez said...

Happiness is what people work towards each and every day. It’s the reason why people do what they do. If writing lyrics about alcohol and female dogs is what makes them happy, they might go out and try to get their name out there somewhere in the music business. People are most likely not going to do something they don’t like. Happiness is what controls the things we do because in the end we all want to feel accomplished. Happiness, to me, is a form of accomplishment. Like I accomplished this writing assignment, so now I can go study for other classes. I am so happy right now I am literally crying.

8/30/2012 07:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Fiorella García said...

Technically speaking, happiness is a chemical reaction caused by neurotransmitters. Figuratively speaking, happiness can be defined as a state of fulfillment. Whether amorously fulfilled, physically fulfilled, or mentally fulfilled, feeling total satisfaction in any way is a clear sign of happiness. Because happiness has such a wide figurative sense, there exist many different singular meanings of "happiness" for a number of people.

8/30/2012 07:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Helen Enda said...

Although happiness varies greatly from person to person it is not impossible to describe. To me, happiness is when I can reflect upon the day and have no regrets . When i know I have seized any and all opportunities that might have come my way. Happiness is being with the ones I care about, knowing that all the "little things" have come together in perfect harmony and realizing that my face hurts from too much smiling.

8/30/2012 07:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Michael Kipp said...

Happiness is a dangerous thing. Happiness brings solace when often it should not. Happiness enshrouds; dulling the senses and obscuring ones perception of reality. While happiness is brief and ignorant, pain is lasting and informative. Pain leaves a scar and teaches a lesson, but happiness is fleeting and exonerates one of his faults leaving him unenlightened. Ernest Hemingway once said that, "Happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing [he knew]," because happiness masks the actuality of the situation only to spite the deceived.

8/30/2012 08:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Fiona Fraser said...

Happiness can be complex in the sense that it is different for everyone. But it doesn't have to be as complicated as people make it out to be. Whether it be something funny your friend says or a beautiful sunset. This emotion brings a feeling of peace and self-fulfillment to everyone who experiences it and for that minute nothing else in the world matters.

8/30/2012 08:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Joshua Soto said...

Through a religious perspective happiness does not truly satisfy the human soul because it is only created through worldly pleasures. In my life, true happiness comes from the devotion to my spiritual being, God. The happiness that comes from God is called joy. Happiness offered by the sinful world is only used to destroy the life of a human being. Happiness may be in addictions such as drugs and sex. Some people find insulting others and bullying pleasurable. Some people may find happiness on facebook or twitter. Our friends sometimes make us happy. This happiness is temporary and will not last. However, the joy from God is eternal and is achieved when a person accepts and lives a lifestyle according to the christian holy book, the bible. When God enters a life, peace is achieved. Therefore I am not happy, I am joyful.

8/30/2012 08:05:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Happiness is a state of well being characterized by emotions such as joy, but everyone defines it in their own way. Even though it seems like such a simple emotion, everyone feels this emotion in different ways. Just the simple things such as laughter and joy coincide well with happiness. Happiness is the feeling you get when you cannot stop laughing or smiling. Being around family or friends usually makes you happy because people you love surround you. When you are having fun, living a good life, or being worry-free, you are happy. Being happy isn't always having a smile; it can be hidden within you. Happiness can be something as simple as someone complimenting a person on what they are wearing, but can also be something as big as a person's wedding day. As we move on in life, happiness becomes more of a necessity.

8/30/2012 08:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Ezra Calado said...

Defining happiness is not a difficult task; it just causes philosophical thoughts to cloud your mind until you can't discern between definitions.

"I'll be happy when I get a car, I'll be happy when I get that job, I'll be happy when I'm married." Often times, our lives are centered around what it is not or what it could be, rather than being grateful for what it is. We long for happiness because we make it an unreachable destination, but it is a choice. It is being aware of what makes you unhappy and changing your perspective to make it more bearable instead of waiting for the change you want to see. It is shutting down the voice that makes you want more so you can experience contentment now and more often. It is not complacency, it is minimizing the yearn for want so we don't delay the experience of pleasure. Happiness is not at all extraordinary, it is the choice of self-help or self-misery that characterizes your perspective.

8/30/2012 08:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


8/30/2012 08:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Mariah Neilsen said...

Happiness is, by convention, simply an emotion, a temporary feeling brought about by a pleasant surprise or much needed relief. For me, happiness is more complex. It is the soul free from burden, if only for a fleeting moment, a light beaming from deep within. It is a longed for feeling that flutters inside me. Happiness is pride in what I do, a confidant stride, and a reassuring laugh. Walking, a soft breeze pours over me, my tingling skin tells me I’m alive and I believe it. Becoming lost in a far away land, anticipation mounting as I turn the pages of a good book. Contentment is the bursting colors of sunset that grow in the depths of my spirit and blossom into a quiet smile. It is a warm embrace, reassuring and comforting, a kinship felt deeper than words can communicate. Happiness is my soul smiling, an inner peace achieved by appreciating the joys of life.

8/30/2012 08:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Naomi Singer said...

"Peanuts" cartoonist Charles Schultz famously described happiness as “a warm puppy,” but a broader definition of happiness is the feeling of pleasure, in an individual with a suitably positive disposition, after experiencing something enjoyable. There are many forms of happiness, ranging from schadenfreude to joy in the success of others. Some people find happiness in material things, while others find it in helping other people. However, the experience of happiness depends on one’s state of mind. Someone with all the material goods they could wish for may be unhappy simply because of a negative outlook, whereas someone with very little can be happy by finding things to appreciate in life. Happiness is a feeling, but one must be in the right frame of mind to experience it.

Note: "Peanuts" should really be italicized, but I cannot italicize in a comment.

8/30/2012 08:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Or Bold

8/30/2012 08:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just hate that it's impossible to type in italics

8/30/2012 08:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

or whatever this is

8/30/2012 08:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Meghan Marks said...

Such a strong emotion can not simply be defined, but it can be sensed in smiles and laughter. Happiness is a result of an action or an occurrence that one was originally hoping to be apart of in some way, consciously or not. Whether it is a simple joke, a soldier coming back from a death-ridden war, or a kind action on your part, happiness is felt by all of the parties involved. It is not fair to compare the joy of seeing a child for the first time and getting a piece of candy for free. I believe that, like love, happiness should be defined in multiple ways, with different words meaning slightly different things. For example, the happiness in finding love, the joy of getting a compliment, and the giddy feeling one has when the worries disappear are all extremely different and can not be compared accurately. Achieving happiness is one of the most common goals of individuals across the world. However, it is not something that can be measured, and those goal-oriented people will never know when they have reached their peak. As a teenager, I most commonly find happiness in a silly joke or after doing something I know is good for someone else. There is not a concrete reason for being happy at a given time; it happens. That being said, I think we should seek out happiness every day of our lives. That way, you don't have to try as hard later on. :)

8/30/2012 08:52:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Happiness is an emotion, generally positive, that people feel for reasons that vary from person to person. Some people find happiness in helping others, while some find it in taking happiness away. Some fortunate people are happy for no particular reason. When I find a new song or interesting book series to partially obsess over, I feel what I guess could be considered happy. And while alone time is nice, I do enjoy hanging out with other people, however my socially akward-ness usually gets in the way of this mode of happiness. But, social issues aside, happiness is an emotion most people strive for, an emotion some people lack, and an emotion that'll probably never have a definition that completely captures its meaning.

8/30/2012 08:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Katie Lothrop said...

Everyday people seek happiness. It is as if they believe happiness is something tangible each person must achieve. Yet, by striving for a happiness that is tangible, we mistake happiness for comfort. Through television commercials, internet adds, and any source of media, the people of our society have unconsciously accepted that by buying comfort it will bring them happiness. They do not stop to consider that happiness is only a state of mind, or if they do they silently brush the thought away as being much too easy. Then later, when they finally do realize that they can be just as happy owning the world as they can owning nothing, it's usually too late.

8/30/2012 08:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Naomi Singer said...

Anonymous, your computer's copy and paste function must be much better than mine, because I could not get "Peanuts" to italicize.

8/30/2012 09:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Mica Kohl said...

Happiness is an emotional phenomena that manifests itself in ways unique to each individual. I know happiness in the comfort of family, I know happiness in the company of friends, I know happiness on the soccer field, I know happiness in the smile of a stranger, and I know happiness on the stage. Happiness is being comfortable and secure, it is enjoying what one is experiencing at a particular moment in time -- be that the experience itself or its memory. Happiness is intangible, yet possess a significant power. Even a glimpse can turn the most negative of days into a wonderful one.

8/30/2012 09:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Brianna Johnson said...

As I get older, I find that my happy moments come more rarely, spaced between large amounts of stress and uncertainty. But that makes those happy moments even more special, something to always treasure. My happiness is when I'm laughing so hard that I'm gasping for breath, when I'm playing charades and eating until my jeans are stretched and talking about everything with the people that I love. It is feeling passionate about my life and my future and knowing that someday I will have an impact on the lives of others. As Nicholas Chamfort once said, "The most wasted of all days is that in which we have not laughed." I would like to replace "laughed" with "been happy".

8/30/2012 09:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah it's definitely not the html tags explicitly described at the bottom of the page

8/30/2012 09:09:00 PM  
Blogger Lynn Lee said...

No one can list all the possible ways to feel happiness since everyone has a different approach to such emotion. However, everyone agrees that a person is delighted when he or she is not in pain or in sorrow. Therefore, if one is not tormented by a death, enraged with hatred, afflicted from a physical injury, straitened with poverty or distressed by a failure, he or she probably is happy. Unfortunately, not a single person in history has been blessed with life-long felicity. Ironically, this unreachable experience is everyone's desire.

8/30/2012 09:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Sidney Hopkins said...

Happiness is complete satisfaction with oneself. When one is happy, they don't seek further fulfillment -- at least in that moment -- and they feel invincible, in a way. Though it may not last long, happiness makes people feel as if nothing can bring them down, as if they could leave this world with no regrets. Each individual has their own perception of happiness -- some find happiness in small things, while some feel to need to surpass their life goals to feel "true happiness." Happiness, much like ignorance, is bliss. When one is happy, their awareness of other things are lessened. It is said that in those with more intelligence, there is less chance of happiness. The more one sees the world for what it really is, and when they increase their sense of reality, the chance of happiness decreases. In truth, no one can define happiness. Of course, there are scientific terms and dictionary definitions, but no one can truly describe the actual feeling of happiness.

8/30/2012 09:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Jesus Delgado said...

Happiness is such a simple, yet horribly complex, emotion to comprehend. Some see it as the sought-after extraordinary, and some only see it as a few chemical reactions that stimulate part of the brain. A wave of thoughts clouds our minds when trying to comprehend it. We often don’t realize how common happiness actually is; a simple change of perspective is all that is needed to see it. We mistakenly perceive happiness as an unimaginable goal to reach, or an impossible thing to have; we forget that we should be grateful for the things, even miniscule, that were given to us.

Happiness, I believe, is a satisfaction with yourself and the world around you. To be happy is to have the ability to sift through the chaos and craziness of the outside world and to appreciate the positives and what you would consider truly important, whether it be a loved one, your accomplishments, or material desire. The key to reaching this satisfaction is to become grateful for what you already have and work towards that which you pursue.

8/30/2012 09:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Katarina Montague said...

Everyone wants to be happy. It's not hard to be happy though. You can buy something you like, talk with a friend, or do something you enjoy. All these can cause temporary happiness. However, to experience true happiness, one needs to do something that is selfless. Be it helping a charity or taking time to listen to someone, selflessness is the one of the best ways to be truly happy. But still, what is happiness? Quite simply, happiness is the state of being happy. Content. Joyful. But how can one define such a strong emotion with just simple words? Happiness is a feeling you get where your heart feels bigger and your body feels warm, as though some sort of power is being surged through you. Happiness intoxicates you, spreading throughout your whole body and then continues to spread from there to the people around you. Happiness can be contagious because it is such a powerful emotion. It is too hard to put in words though. One can only understand it if they experience it.

8/30/2012 09:52:00 PM  
Blogger Miranda McClellan said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

8/30/2012 10:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Elliott Page said...

To define happiness, one must realize that all happiness is relative to the person expierencing it. To a homeless man, obtaining a small meal might be considered happy to him, but on the other hand, a successful millionaire might consider that as nothing. So in that case not everyone expierences happiness in the same ways. Happiness can then be described as the individualistic conditions that enable one to expierence their own uphoria.

8/30/2012 10:09:00 PM  
Blogger Aishwarya Iyer said...

Happiness is not something that can be defined by rigid, unchanging parameters. Each and every person has a different perception of what happiness truly is. A young child may feel happy when he gets a lollipop or an ice cream cone. On the other hand, happiness to a teenager may be the feeling of being accepted by her peers and belonging in a group of like-minded individuals. The quest for happiness is universal; everyone wants to be happy at some point in life. However, it's the path one takes to achieve that happiness that really makes a difference.

8/30/2012 10:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Elliott Page said...

To define happiness, one must realize that all happiness is relative to the person expierencing it. To a homeless man, obtaining a small meal might be considered happy to him, but on the other hand, a successful millionaire might consider that as nothing. So in that case not everyone expierences happiness in the same ways. Happiness can then be described as the individualistic conditions that enable one to expierence their own uphoria.

8/30/2012 10:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Miranda McClellan said...

Happiness is a state of mind in which one no longer fears death because he has accomplished something of real value. This is to say, happiness can be achieved in many ways. A person may obtain happiness when he is confident that he has done everything in his power to improve the world whether through small acts of generosity or by laying down his life for his country. Happiness can be achieved through living morally without regrets; however, it is more likely to be achieved by learning from those regrets so that the future will be plagued with less. When one is truly happy, there is no emotion, no action that can give you such an unmistakable high or instantly force you to believe that there are no changes that could make your life better. This is happiness, contentment with the present as it is even if it is the end.

8/30/2012 10:16:00 PM  
Blogger angelicajackman said...

Angelica Jackman

Happiness is what one makes of it. It is what you choose it to be. I know happiness in family time, I know happiness in accomplishment, I know happiness in pleasure. It is a form of emotion that is tangible, a form of emotion that does not feel exactly the same every time one experiences it. Although cooking dinner for eight every night is not always fun, I find happiness in making my siblings a good dinner before bed. This is what happiness is to me. A form of emotion that varies for each individual, and every time one experiences it.

8/30/2012 11:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jack Patillo
Happiness is a chemical sensation used by the human mind to provide its host with incentive to perform tasks predetermined as beneficial. Happiness is designed to ensure that humans will attempt to survive long enough to reproduce and further the species. Happiness is the result of evolution and without it; people would fail to perform the simplest tasks of survival. Despite its original purpose, it is abused by humans so that people may experience maximum amounts of happiness. Artificial “happiness” particles, such as meth, are used to trick the mind into enjoyment when the human has done nothing beneficial.

8/31/2012 04:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jack Patillo
Happiness is a chemical sensation used by the human mind to provide its host with incentive to perform tasks predetermined as beneficial. Happiness is designed to ensure that humans will attempt to survive long enough to reproduce and further the species. Happiness is the result of evolution and without it; people would fail to perform the simplest tasks of survival. Despite its original purpose, it is abused by humans so that people may experience maximum amounts of happiness. Artificial “happiness” particles, such as meth, are used to trick the mind into enjoyment when the human has done nothing beneficial.

8/31/2012 04:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Emanuel Cortes said...

The pursuit of happiness is similar to a ship lost at sea. The sailor must find the route that will take him home. Correspondingly, a person must find the route that will take him to happiness. However, that person will never find happiness and remain lost if the route does not reflect who he is. The route to happiness can only be found if the individual looks inwards and discovers his identity. By understanding one's self, the individual will know what direction to take to find happiness. I must look within my heart and understand my dreams and passions to find identity, purpose, and happiness. In other words, happiness is an emotion that can be achieved by being you. My family, friends, goals, and dreams are my sources of happiness because they define who I am and provide meaning to my life.

8/31/2012 05:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shane, you are fat.

8/31/2012 07:43:00 PM  
Anonymous ObeyYolord said...

I have learned to be happy in any situation. YOLO!!!!

9/01/2012 07:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happiness is not really that complex. All it takes is appreciation of yourself and the world around you, being grateful for what you have and those important to you. "Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get."- Forest Gump. Happiness is usually achieved when one learns how to use what he gets. In other words, adapt to your current condition. YOLO!!!

9/01/2012 08:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuck this shit

9/02/2012 09:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Isabella Carmichael said...

Each individual has their own subjective perspective on the definition of happiness. So there is no one true definition of the word. Happiness to me is when I'm with someone I love. We can simply be talking or we can be out having the best time of the time of our lives, but as long as I'm with them I feel good. There are many other things that make me happy but without the people I love happiness would not be possible.

9/03/2012 10:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Maritza Del Campo said...

Happiness is a feeling of being loved and accepted. It is a feeling of satisfaction with who you are and what you've made of life as to this point. The world around you can seem to be perfect from the perspective of an outsider but nothing ever satisfies if you are missing something vital or something that would make you whole.

9/04/2012 07:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Jessica said...

Happiness is what people work towards each and every day. It’s the reason why people do what they do. If writing lyrics about alcohol and female dogs is what makes them happy, they might go out and try to get their name out there somewhere in the music business. People are most likely not going to do something they don’t like. Happiness is what controls the things we do because in the end we all want to feel accomplished. Happiness, to me, is a form of accomplishment. Like I accomplished this writing assignment, so now I can go study for other classes. I am so happy right now I am literally crying.

12/07/2012 10:21:00 PM  

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